Laze Kostića 5, Sombor
phone: +381 25 412-583
work hours: work days: 8:00-14:00 and 17:00-19:00, weekends: 9:00-13:00.
admission: free
A new displays of contest participants is set every 15 days. Gallery of the Cultural Center "Laza Kostić " was founded on the 28th of November 1995., immediately after the closing of the Gallery "Likovna jesen". Gallery’s exhibition activity began on the 10 th of May 1996. with the exhibition of a painter from Belgrade, Mileta Prodanović. Gallery of CC is committed to displaying showpieces of proclaimed artists of various forms of contemporary art: paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, etc. through individual and collective exhibitions.
Previous major exhibitions: Olja Ivanicki, Miodrag Bata Mihajlović, Milan Blanuša, Janoš Mesaroš, Sava Stojkov, Dragan Stojkov, Pavle Blesić, Vladimir Spasić, Kemal Ramujkić...